Monday, March 8, 2010

Bringing things up to date . . .

I have been off-line for the past week due to computer problems, now more or less resolved. But it will be a day or two--that is, if there is anybody interested--before normal service resumes.

In the meantime, somebody said to me last week that they read my blog on and off, but that they found it sometimes hard to understand exactly what I was saying. And that in itself is perfectly understandable, given that the topics dealt with have often been complex, not to mention speculative. Yet, within those constraints, I have tried to be as straightforward as possible, short of losing the point I was trying to make.

Einstein is credited with saying, 'Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.' And from previous experience I have to agree with him, for it is just as easy (if not, indeed, easier) to go off message by trying to simplify matters too much, as through over-complicating them.

In any event, this blog is reaching towards the end of its natural life. It was never intended to be long term. Another ten or so mailings, or maybe less, and I will have said the main things I intended to say in setting out, the meandering nature of my progress in the meantime notwithstanding.

As I say, I will be back posting in a few days . . .

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